Unlock your creative voice.

Jumpstart your writing and replenish your creativity with a daily 15-minute recording including:

* a short guided meditation;
* a poem/ short prose
* a writing prompt;
* supported writing time.

You'll be amazed at how much writing you can do in a short time with the right support. Be inspired by writers such as Mary Oliver, Rumi, Lucille Clifton.

Free 5-Day
Mindful Writing Challenge

Start tomorrow!

For writers (and non-writers) of any level and genre. This unique method has helped thousands of writers fall in love with their writing. Each day, just hit play on your own schedule and be guided in the process.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Nadia Colburn, PhD

    RYT 200

    Author of The High Shelf

    Founder of Align Your Story Coaching and Classes

    Who am I?

    I'm an award-winning poet and memoirist, student of Thich Nhat Hanh, yoga teacher, activist, and mother. I hold a PhD in English from Columbia University and have been a literature professor at MIT. My writing has been widely published in such places as The New Yorker, Boston Globe Magazine, slate, and Spirituality & Health. I'm the founder of Align Your Story School where I've helped thousands of women unlock the power of their unique creative voice.

    What will you experience?

    • greater peace
    • inspiring poems by authors such as Rumi, Emily Dickinson, Rilke, Mary Oliver
    • inspiration
    • greater joy
    • greater focus
    • a more aligned creative practice

    This challenge is designed to help writers of any level start new writing or re-engage with a longer writing project, and be more mindful through guided meditations.

    "Thank you, Nadia, I looked forward to practicing each day; it was like a mini-vacation"

    "I can't believe how quickly the writing flows after the meditation, and I actually LIKE what I wrote. I have five new pieces now. Thank you!"