EXTINCTION REBELLION MA INVITES YOU TO A live practive session/ conversation/ Webinar:

How to Talk
About the Climate Crisis in These Urgent, Complicated Times

Police brutality, threats to democracy, covid—our world is full of very serious emergencies, and we are being called to urgent action in a number of ways. And amidst it all, the climate and ecological crisis continues.

After all, so many of these issues and their dire consequences stem from similar root causes, embedded in our current system that sees people as disposable, that sees nature as disposable. But we are at a time of cultural shift—and we can be part of systemic change. The Black Lives Matter movement has reminded us of the power of our collective voice to make connections and call for change.

We must break the spiral of silence and speak out for the changes that we need. This evening will give you practical tools to have these conversations with friends and family and will give you time to practice in breakout rooms.

The evening is designed for both beginner and seasoned activists.

Sign up and invite interested friends and family members to join us, too :)

Presented by

and Nadia Colburn, PhD

June 18, 2020
7:30pm Eastern Time

Register for Free today

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