Your voice is a gift...

Dear Reader,

I'm here in Panama taking a little break from my own creative writing to email you :)

I'm really looking forward to my upcoming publication class next week, so I wanted to talk a bit today about publication and how I'm thinking about it right now...

Publication can be a mystery and a challenge, even to the most seasoned writers.

It can feel challenging to “promote” our work or to be our own spokesperson.

I’ve taught and coached writers for over twenty years, and I’ve seen the challenges writers of all levels of experience have with sharing their work. And I know from personal experience as well.

But if we get aligned within ourselves and share from a place of authentic generosity and a desire to share, then doors will open up.

People want to communicate and share with one another. What you have to offer is a unique gift that no one else can offer in the same way.

As I sit here working on my own writing project that is close to my heart, what is propelling me forward is a clear vision for a story that only I can tell.

I'm not sure yet how I'll share this book with the world—years ago, I was lucky to have a wonderful agent, but she was older and, sadly, her agency has now closed, and poetry books don't need agents—but I know that I have the tools to navigate the publication process when the time is right.

So instead of thinking ahead with anxiety, I am able to focus my attention on the present moment, on the writing itself, with more ease and joy.

I truly believe that the more knowledge and tools we have about how to share our voice, the more enjoyable our writing lives will be—and the more fulfilled and present we will be.

I'm offering this publication masterclass because I want to give you the tools, the knowledge, and the resources you need so that you are at ease with your writing journey and feel ready and able to share your special gift, the stories only you can tell, with the world, if and when the time is right for you :)

The Art of Sharing Your Voice and Publishing Your Work (2.5 hour Masterclass)

Thursday, June 20th
12:30-3:00pm ET / 9:30-12:00pm PT / 5:30-8:00pm GMT
Live Online via Zoom
Can't make it live? Sign up to get the recording!
Once you sign up, I'll send you a form where you can submit your questions to me so that I answer them during the class :) Then watch the masterclass on your own schedule and refer to it again and again.
Course Value: $250. On sale now for 50% off! Only $125.

Imagine feeling aligned, not only with your writing, but also with the process of sharing and publishing your writing!

This in-depth masterclass will explore the ins and outs of sharing your work–it will give you practical tools and lead you through a process so that you can get clear on your intentions for sharing your work and can approach the publication process from a place of alignment and clarity.

This class is designed for writers of all genres and levels. Whether you are just beginning to think about publication or you are widely-published, the class can help you determine what is the right path for you and give you practical ways to meet your intentions.

Often, we write, and then we aren’t sure what the next steps are. In this class, I’ll demystify the process of sharing your work and give you tools to determine your own unique path–it’s not always what we think it is or “should” be.

There are no "shoulds" associated with what you do with your creative work–in fact, sometimes the most empowering thing we can do is decide with clarity not to publish and/or choose other, more aligned ways to share our voice.

The first part of the masterclass will focus on the WHY and WHEN to publish:

I’ll guide you through a process to get clear on YOUR individual goals, intentions, and aspirations, as well as YOUR unique timing. Sometimes it is better NOT to publish in the moment–we’ll talk about how to determine that as well.

If you’re clear on your why and when, moving forward with the practical steps I outline in the second half of the class will be much easier and more productive.

The second part of the class will focus on the WHAT and HOW of publishing:

I’ll give you practical tools to think about and plot your unique publishing path.

I use the word, "publishing," widely–we’ll explore a variety of ways you can share your writing and your voice. We'll discuss how you can share your work through traditional publishing venues and also brainstorm some more "out of the box" ways of sharing your voice :)

We’ll talk about when to publish longer pieces and how to break them into smaller pieces and more manageable chunks.

We’ll talk about gatekeepers and moving beyond gatekeepers.

And we’ll explore strategies to make the path to and beyond publication feel aligned and satisfying–including how to manage the inevitable rejections, post-publication let-down, how to navigate the nay-sayers, and how to keep going for the long term with energy and enthusiasm.

Included with the class will be PDFs of step-by-step publication guides that walk you through a variety of different publication paths, including when to self-publish, how to share outside of traditional paths, how to write query letters and professional bios, and more.

This class will be interactive; you'll be able to get your questions answered! Can't join live? No worries. Once you sign up, I'll send you a form where you can submit your questions so that I answer them during the class :) Then watch the masterclass later, on your own schedule, and refer to it again and again.

I'll talk about my own publication journey and share some of the strategies I usually only share with clients and students in my high-priced one-on-one coaching programs.

This class is valued at $250. But it's on sale now for 50% off! Register for only $125.

If you've ever thought about publishing your work and/or had questions about publication, this class is for you! This is going to be a really deep dive into the art of sharing your work. I hope you'll join us.

I hope to see you there.

with love and deep respect for the gift that is you,

Hi! I'm Nadia Colburn—writer, teacher, yogi, activist

At Align Your Story Writing School, we bring traditional literary and creative writing studies together with mindfulness, embodied practices, and social and environmental engagement. Join a community of over 25,000 other mindful writers. Get the tools and community to write your best work.

Read more from Hi! I'm Nadia Colburn—writer, teacher, yogi, activist

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