Free Workshop Tomorrow: Writing as Practice

Dear Reader,

Outside my window, as I'm writing to you, the birds are singing!

Sometimes, we forget all the wonder that's in the world.

But writing can be a space to remember, to put ourselves back together, to center, to re-orient.

Join me tomorrow, live, for a FREE restorative, generative pop-up workshop with the wonderful teacher Elena Brower.

Tuesday, March 19th, 11:30am EDT | Virtual (Online via Zoom)

Writing as Practice:
A Free Class with Nadia Colburn and Elena Brower

Nourish your yearning to write, bring ease to your writing, and tap into your innate wisdom with Nadia Colburn and Elena Brower.

In this one-hour offering, Elena and I will share current best writing practices and ways in which we integrate writing with other practices in our lives (yoga, meditation, service). We'll share how we have personally come into greater voice, vision, healing and freedom through writing—and how you can, too.

What you'll take with you:

  • Habits for staying consistent.
  • Ways to uphold the joy of writing.
  • Ideas for scheduling your time efficiently.
  • Insights for treating yourself compassionately.
  • Tools to listen to your body—and spirit.
  • Release and greater freedom.

Treat yourself to a restorative, empowering hour of conversation, teachings, practice, and generative writing. And discover new practices to take home with you.

We'll offer gentle, mindful, embodied practices and writing prompts for participants to generate their own work.

“The speaking will get easier and easier. And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had… And at last you'll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth. And that is not speaking.”
—Audre Lorde from “Your Silence Will Not Protect You”

If you haven't watched it already, you still have two days to watch the replay of last week's free Masterclass—The Four Steps to Revitalize Your Writing and Reclaim Your Stories. This is an in-depth session that gives you the backbone of my unique method and approach to holistic writing. And this is the only time all year that I'll offer these teachings for free.

Watch the Masterclass here and below.

If any questions come up as you watch the recording, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Simply hit "Reply" to any email I send.

Wednesday is also the LAST DAY to not only get LIFETIME access to the AYS online teaching materials but also LIFETIME access to all future AYS community coaching, online forums, support, and more when you enroll in Align Your Story for Women. This is a unique Bonus with a value of over $1,000!

If you sign up now for Align Your Story, you will truly have unlimited, lifelong access to all of its lessons and teachings—so you can dip your toes in this spring and then come back and do more later. :) The course comes with so much material that you will always have new experiences when you come through it again in future years (each Module comes with two recommended prompts for the first time you go through the course and more than ten optional prompts for future experiences!). Each time you work through the course material, you will write a new body of work and deepen your relationship with your writing, your story, and your creative voice. And there is truly no "falling behind." You get to access the teachings on your own schedule.

Most participants find that being in a supportive, ongoing community of other writers itself opens new doors in their creative life. As you develop your own voice, experiment, try new things, and show up for yourself on your own schedule with new tools, you will experience profound shifts—both on the page and off.

Align Your Story comes with a full money-back guarantee in the first 30 days after we start together. If you don't like it, you get a full refund. I just ask that you show me that you have tried the material in the first three modules.

See more and enroll in Align Your Story with lifetime access below.

Again, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Just hit "Reply" to this email.

It is my great honor to support your creative voice.

Each of us has a song to sing, a story to tell, a part of our past that is unclear and that needs to be re-aligned and re-imagined. If we don't do this work, that part of us festers. It can make us disappointed, bitter, and even sick.

But if we get tools and support, if we approach our creative life as a project not only of the mind, but also of the heart, body, and spirit, then we have the potential not only to write our best work, but also to come into new ways of being—individually and collectively.

This is sacred work—I know because I've done it myself and because I've helped thousands of women also come into their full creative vision. I'd love to support you this spring and beyond.

with love,

PS: Join us live tomorrow (for free!). Register here.

PPS: Watch the replay of last week's masterclass here before Wednesday!

PPPS: Don't want to hear more about Align Your Story? No worries! Simply click here.

Hi! I'm Nadia Colburn—writer, teacher, yogi, activist

At Align Your Story Writing School, we bring traditional literary and creative writing studies together with mindfulness, embodied practices, and social and environmental engagement. Join a community of over 25,000 other mindful writers. Get the tools and community to write your best work.

Read more from Hi! I'm Nadia Colburn—writer, teacher, yogi, activist

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